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Photo courtesy of Peachtree Photography.

My name is AshLeigh Northcutt.

My husband Jason and I have 5 children.

Our first child (daughter) was born in 2006. I had another daughter in 2008, followed by a son in 2009, a third daughter in 2010, and a fourth daughter (fifth child) in 2012.

All five kids were born without the assistance of pain medication.
I enjoyed being pregnant and I absolutely LOVE labor and delivery. To me, it was such an amazing and special time, bringing a blessing into the world.


When I was pregnant with baby #1, I was told by a doctor that I should get an epidural as soon as I arrive at the hospital. He said, "It's your first baby; get the epidural and enjoy labor." That was exactly what I had planned on doing. After all, that is what the Dr. recommended. It wasn't until I checked into the hospital in labor that I found out I was not allowed to have an epidural. I have a blood clotting disorder and the anesthesiologists wouldn't go near my spine with a needle. I found myself in labor and completely unprepared. And I did it! I birthed my baby naturally! But boy was I unprepared for that!
I began informing myself a bit more about labor and delivery in preparation for my next baby. Pregnancy #2 was way different than I had experienced the first time around. I couldn't wait for the meeting of my precious baby! For my second labor, I felt much more prepared.

Pregnancy #3 was rather smooth and probably my smoothest pregnancy of all. My labor with my son also went smoothly; my water broke at home and a gave birth to my son at the hospital within 3 hours.

​Labor #4 was "fast and furious" with our baby being born in the caul at 39 weeks, 9 minutes after arriving at the hospital.
Pregnancy #5 ended in an induction at 37 weeks for medical reasons. This was my first induction, so I was unsure if I would be able to handle the contractions with the Pitocin. I had horrible back labor, but I was able to handle it and welcomed our 5th child into the world. (It is amazing what the female body can do!) Labor #5 was the most rewarding labor because I felt the most prepared; I was informed about my body and the choices I could make during the labor process. Labor #5 was the most rewarding labor, as I felt the most prepared and informed in my body and my choices during the labor process.


I have known for years that I wanted to work with newborns, but I just wasn't sure in what capacity I could assist babies and their mothers. I loved discussing babies, labor, and pregnancy, but I didn't know what do with my passion for quality care during labor and delivery. It wasn't until my very close friend went into labor herself that I finally found my calling as a doula.
I am currently working towards obtaining my doula certification.

Working in the delivery room is such an amazing experience! There is nothing more special than being a part of a family's labor team!

If you feel like a doula is something you are interested in, contact me today! I look forward to being a part of YOUR labor team!


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